Timestamp | 2023-10-17 20:36:30 (UTC) |
Block Time | 381 days 3 hrs ago |
Block | |
Life Time | 4669943 - 4669975 |
Extrinsic Hash | 0x1c7e8049ac26ffbfc867ed819d8757654e22825888275e76e53ae69fa5f70a25 |
Action | |
Sender | |
Estimated Fee | 0 .0040797500303933 GLMR |
Used Fee | 0 .0040685377453933 GLMR |
Nonce | 875 |
Result | Success |
Parameters | [1 items 0:{4 items "name":"calls" "type":"Vec<Call>" "type_name":"Vec<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>" "value":[2 items 0:{4 items "call_index":"0007" "call_module":"System" "call_name":"remark_with_event" "params":[1 items 0:{3 items "name":"remark" "type":"Vec<U8>" "value":"This is a treasury council motion for the moonbeam proposal 19 ; which can be found at https://github.com/moonbeam-foundation/treasury/blob/main/moonbeam/MBTP19&MRTP14.md" } ] } 1:{4 items "call_index":"4802" "call_module":"TreasuryCouncilCollective" "call_name":"propose" "params":[3 items 0:{3 items "name":"threshold" "type":"compact<U32>" "value":3 } 1:{3 items "name":"proposal" "type":"Call" "value":{4 items "call_index":"5002" "call_module":"Treasury" "call_name":"approve_proposal" "params":[1 items 0:{3 items "name":"proposal_id" "type":"compact<U32>" "value":19 } ] } } 2:{3 items "name":"length_bound" "type":"compact<U32>" "value":4 } ] } ] } ] |
Signature | 0xeb8469ba03c3d9831b2d8c182d8fe1053267918604763475418835cddef6a63e19cf7b262f6ea83ad796849b275b27d9bc356749496aab36283a1747a7dea9fe01 |